Eye CareGlaucomaNews It’s National Glaucoma Awareness Month We all associate January with cold temperatures and winter weather. But did you know it’s also National…SureVisionJanuary 18, 2024
Eye CareGlaucoma Marijuana and the Eyes Missouri recently passed a law to legalize the sale of marijuana for recreational purposes. It’s been legal…SureVisionApril 12, 2023
CorneaEye CareEye ConditionsGlaucoma Best Initial Treatment Options for Glaucoma What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a disease of the eyes that, if untreated, can lead to permanent…SureVisionFebruary 3, 2023
Cataract SurgeryEye CareEye ConditionsGlaucomaRetinaVitreous Flying After Eye Surgery As we rapidly approach the holiday season, families begin arranging travel plans. However, if you have upcoming…SureVisionOctober 7, 2022
Glaucoma Why Can I Taste My Eye Drops? One of my patients this morning was complaining about her glaucoma treatment eye drops. They didn’t sting…SureVisionAugust 6, 2019
Glaucoma Why Is Glaucoma So Scary? January is Glaucoma Awareness Month so it’s important to understand what you need to be aware of…SureVisionJanuary 2, 2019
Eye CareGlaucomaNews January is Glaucoma Awareness Month Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve. The optic nerve is the nerve that carries signals…SureVisionJanuary 23, 2017